
Wow dredged leather bladder
Wow dredged leather bladder

Junkyard Machinist Name changed from "Junkyard Master Machinist" to "Junkyard Machinist".Diversed Investments Name changed from "Junkyard Machinist" to "Diversed Investments".Keep DPS-ing and Nobody Explodes (New) Prevent the destruction of all non-robotic life on Azeroth on Mythic difficulty in Operation: Mechagon.Nautical Nuisances of Nazjatar (New) Defeat the following deep sea terrors of Nazjatar.Mighty Minions of Mechagon (New) Defeat the following mechanized minions on Mechagon Island.

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Never Lose, Never Choose To Name changed from "PH - BfA PvP Season 3 Transmog" to "Never Lose, Never Choose To".Build 30168 will be deployed to the PTR realms soon.

Wow dredged leather bladder