
Armed conflicts currently happening in the world armed conflicts
Armed conflicts currently happening in the world armed conflicts

armed conflicts currently happening in the world armed conflicts

(Photo: Henry Wilkins / Concern Worldwide)Ī decade of armed conflict in the western Sahel region of Africa has resulted in a deteriorating humanitarian situation across Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger. Both live at an unofficial IDP site in the Centre North region of Burkina Faso due to conflict in the region. Burkina Faso & the Sahel Darifa (18) with her 10-day-old daughter, Lenka. » Learn more about Concern’s work in Afghanistan 2. » Learn more about the crisis in Afghanistan Today, UNOCHA estimates that 28.3 million people require humanitarian assistance. This was double the number of people who required assistance compared to January, 2020. Before the US military withdrew from the country in 2021, over 18 million people required humanitarian assistance - including over 3 million children. This has a direct impact on humanitarian aid. Between 20, the Council on Foreign Relations estimates that there were 111,000 civilian casualties in Afghanistan. Violence continues to undermine the country’s development, with almost two thirds of the Afghan population living in areas directly affected by conflict. Despite development advances in recent years, Afghanistan remains an extremely volatile and fragile country following nearly four decades of instability.

Armed conflicts currently happening in the world armed conflicts